Three HKUST teams shined bright at the YDC Dare to Change Competition, where their impressive business pitches left seasoned executives in awe. From one-to-one guidance from business professionals to start-up subsidies, this milestone marks a huge impact for these stellar students. We invite you to join us in celebrating the well-deserved victory of these changemakers:
Team FACCi, which previously scored the Bronze Award at the Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024, uphold their entrepreneurial spirit. This time, their outstanding business ideas have earned them the Golden Technopreneur Award and a referral to the prestigious HKSTPC Ideation Programme.
Team Apeirocycle, which also secured the Bronze Award at the HKUST Hult Prize Competition 2024, leads with social entrepreneurship. Highlighting their remarkable dedication to serving the community, they acquired the YDC Best Social Care Award.
Team Art In Sight presented an exceptionally innovative and comprehensive pitch, winning them the reputable YDC Best Potential Startup and Innovation Award.
Let us extend our biggest congratulations to these rising student entrepreneurs for this well-deserved recognition. We look forward to your continuing success as you tackle new frontiers and bring your ideas to life!