[April 24, 2017]
The largest student-driven hackathon in Asia from April 21-23, 2017, with more than 600 participants coming from various local and overseas universities, was held at HKUST.
The HKUST hackathon is a creativity-to-reality platform which brings together like-minded youths from different academic backgrounds to develop product prototypes, build friendships, and exchange ideas with industry experts.
This year’s edition added a new hardware component which challenges the participants to bring their skills to a whole new level—all participating teams had to come up with a hardware solution to tackle within 48 hours. For contestants joining the software hackathon, they were required to work out a software solution within 24 hours under the themes of Gaming, Economy, Healthcare and Transportation.
The HKUST hackathon this year was partly sponsored by UBER, who also provided each team with big data gathered from the real world, infusing every proposal with dynamism and intrigue.
Mr Donny Siu, Associate Director of the HKUST Entrepreneurship Center and a co-organizer of the event, was pleased to see the record-high turnout. “This event would not have been possible if not for the devotion of our student organizers. One of our long term goals is to make HKUST the hub for hackathons in Asia and promote an entrepreneurial and can-do spirit. The response this year was phenomenal, with many participants coming from not only Hong Kong, but also the Mainland and overseas, including, Nepal, France, the UK and the US.”
“The event is a tremendous platform for our younger generation to meet and engage with like-minded youths and industry experts. It opens up different horizons for all of those who have participated,” Mr Siu added.
HKUST teams were dominant once again this year, collecting 5 out of the 6 championships with the following notable winners:
“Moving Hotel”, a solution that improves the comfort of passengers taking long road trips;
“Cargo”, a prototype which aims at improving time management and enriching quality of life;
“Anonymous Tiger”, an app for users to share idle parking spaces to avoid traffic congestions.
The champions were selected based on their creativity, innovation, open source development, collaboration, technical implementation, and presentation skills. To learn more about the HKUST Hackathon 2017, please visit: http://hack.ust.hk
Public Now: http://www.publicnow.com/view/D5CD8E79A7C3C655958BA83CB6AB8458AF2A4B03?2017-05-03-05:31:13+01:00-xxx2108
World News - HKUST Hackathon Received a Record-High Participation: https://article.wn.com/view/2017/05/03/HKUST_Hackathon_Received_a_RecordHigh_Participation/
文匯報 - 科大團隊「黑客松 」6項目奪5冠: http://paper.wenweipo.com/2017/05/04/ED1705040012.htm
大公網 - 科大「黑客松」 環球600生參加: http://www.takungpao.com.hk/finance/text/2017/0504/78772.html
大公網 - 科大舉辦「黑客松」: http://www.takungpao.com.hk/hongkong/text/2017/0503/78662.html
香港新聞網-香港科大舉辦亞洲最大型學生主導"黑客松": http://www.hkcna.hk/content/2017/0504/568427.shtml
報告訴 - 科大的学生主导黑客松(Hackathon)参赛人数创新高: http://xianggang.baogaosu.com/
星島日報 - 科大生贏「黑客松」賽 獲UBER實習機會: http://std.stheadline.com/daily/news-content.php?id=1607742&target=2