HKUST student team, composed of Tania WU, Steeve HU and Jeff HUANG, has been awarded the 1st Runners-up in the "Microsoft Imagine Cup 2017 Hong Kong” - the local competition of the world's largest tech competition aimed at finding the most innovative, ground-breaking and appealing software ideas built with Microsoft Azure tools and technologies in Hong Kong and around the world. The team has been granted cash prize of HK$20,000 at the Award Presentation Ceremony held at sky100 in ICC on 19 May 2017.
The journey to the Imagine Cup World Finals started way back in January, when students began forming their teams at universities across the globe. Since then, they have poured their hearts and souls into their solutions and competed in 3 rounds of selections, taking great projects from just an idea to competition-grade execution.
Detail of the event can be found at https://compete.imagine.microsoft.com/en-us/country/details/hk