The revolutionary 5-Axis 3D printer SyncKer, designed by HKUST start-up company SyNcord 3D Technology Limited, has reached its final stage of prototype development.
SyncKer can print 3D models in a way that addresses the limitations of conventional 3D printers; it features ultra-smooth surface-finishing and colouring, thus saving users’ time from polishing uneven surfaces and colouring the model if it were printed on traditional 3D printers. SyncKer also features printing complex, hollow 3D models without the need to print excessive support structures, reducing the post-processing and polishing time of the printed models.
SyNcord was established in July last year and has been recently admitted to the Incu-Tech Incubation Programme at Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP). With their innovation, they have secured a commercial contraction of printing turbine blades models for aircraft engines. This has enabled them to extend their innovation for industrial use.